There were also 2 good experiences with neighbors due to the remodel that we know of. First, the lady that rented us the lot for the "storage shed" who lives about a block from the KH. Her house is right next to the lot, so of course, she saw us everyday. She used to be very opposed, even when we would knock on her door, she was pretty rude to us, so we wondered how she would be during the remodel, but she was had the only available empty lot near the hall, so we had to use her. She was relatively nice most of the time, a few times she complained about things, or would try to get more money out of us, but of course, the brothers always treated her kindly and respectfully. We always greeted her when we passed by or gave her a smile....
Anyway, the last day, after we had torn down the storage shed they were raking up the stones ((you see, the lot was a mud pit, so the brothers put down stones on the floor of the bodega so it wouldn't be so muddy. Anyway, she had a fit and told them that they would have to rake up the stones when we were done so that she could plant things in the lot (which as we all know, she has never planted anything in the lot! ) But the brothers very dutifully raked up all the stones (not a fun job, eh?)) While they were doing that, she came out and started talking to one of the brothers and started asking questions like: How is the organization set up? How is the work financed? What do you believe about the virgin Mary? The brother was talking to her about a 1/2 hour answering questions. Then the daughter came out and was asking questions too. In the end, she had so many questions that the brother couldn't answer them all. So, he offered to stop back with his wife to answer more of the questions and she readily said, "yes"! We were all shocked! She used to be soo opposed, and now maybe she will be a bible study!
The other good experience was with a neighbor of the "kitchen". Our kitchen for the build was in a brothers house of course. The neighbor has been having trouble with depression and has been seeing a therapist. A few weeks ago the therapist told her that she needed to be around happy people, she needed to try and laugh more and think positively. So, the other day, she came by and was talking to the sister that lives in the house. She said that she wanted to thank her because we had been the therapy that she needed! How? She said that everyday she would sit out in her back yard (on the other side of the wall) and listen to us laugh in the kitchen! She wanted to know why we were always so happy and laughing even though we were working so hard! So, of course, the sister told her that we were happy because we serve Jehovah and we are really a worldwide family! The woman was so impressed with our happy spirit that she accepted a bible study with a sister from one of the other congregations! So the sister told me that I started a study just by laughing all the time!
The remodel was truly a once in a lifetime experience. To see the smiles on the brothers faces yesterday as they were walking into the new KH was so rewarding! Thank you to all you brothers that contribute to the Kingdom Hall fund! It was truly a blessing to see that money at work! I hope to have some pictures of the finished product in the next few days.
I posted a few pictures of my day back out in service today! We worked up in the mountains, and I felt like I had just been let out of prison! The scenery, the fresh air, the preaching...I LOVED it! It sure is good to be back......