Well, we have started to really get into a routine and have things under control now in the kitchen...and....well, now it is almost over! The brothers and sisters are really working hard this week, since it is the last full week.
I even have to say, we are leaving this morning for Guayaquil (for the English DC), and I am actually going to miss being with the brothers and sisters at the build for the next few days! We will come back on Monday morning (shining brilliantly from the spiritual encouragement!). The construction group should still be here until at least Wed., packing up and finishing the loose ends. And then they will leave and all will go quiet....we will really miss the group! It has been a pleasure to have them in our congregation the last 7 weeks!
We have continued to enjoy the visit of Mark and Beth's son Aaron. He has blended right in with the congregation (well, as much as a 6'5" foreigner can blend....hahaha) He even gave a prayer for lunch at the construction site the other day in spanish and did really well! Yesterday we took a short break from the kitchen in the afternoon and went to Ingapirca....Incan ruins. It was absolutely freezing, but we had a fun time!
Hope things are going well for everyone back home! We are looking forward to seeing you all when we come back for a visit. We will be home Sept. and October....time sure flies, doesn't it?
Wow! The work is almost done?! Thats crazy..well i hope all is finishing up well. Im happy you all get to go to the convention now. Be safe, enjoy, take it all in. It sure is an amazing one. Miss you all. Enjoy your upcoming time at home. Hope to see you soon.
Hope you have a wonderful time at the convention. That will be a spiritual treat! Congratulations on all your hard work. What a wonderful sense of accomplishment. We miss you and look forward to seeing you soon!
Incredible! You guys have been working so hard. No doubt the DC was a spiritual refreshment (and even a little time off your feet)! Soak it all in ... I'm sure you'll look back with amazement, pride, and a ton of other emotions when the remodel is done! We miss you and love you, but it's great to hear about the joys you are experiencing!
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