Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lost in Ecuador With Doug and Judy --Part 1

Sorry for the delay....here is Part 1 of "Lost in Ecuador With Doug and Judy"! The trip started out pretty mellow as you can see, but just wait until you find out about the last week! Never a dull moment! haha
I hope to have Part 2 ready in a few days...
As I mentioned before, their flight here was very smooth, Doug even went so far to say that he LOVED it! We spent the first week just sight-seeing here in Cuenca, going out in service and relaxing....(well, not very much relaxing actually!)
Here is a video of some of the things we did in the first few days....


mominlebanon said...

Beautiful birds! Cute baby! So nice to see Judy & Doug having a good time. But who was that cute girl sitting on Chad's lap while he got his shoes shined? Haha.

Deb n Doug said...

Nice video, looks like you're all having a good time! I too loved the birds!

"Mommy" said...

Hey, hows it going? Looks beautiful down there! the guinea pigs looked delicious! Haha!