Well, yesterday the contruction group arrived at around 2pm. They have quite the caravan of trucks and equipment. Our seemingly HUGE bodega (storage shed) that Chad and Mark built, suddenly seems small! They bring ALL the tools for the build and ALL the equipment, because the brothers here really don't have any. So, the brothers were basically like pigs in a pig-pen, because the bodega floor is just a mudbath! Chad and Mark came home covered in mud! Chad later went up to the house the brothers will be staying in to help them unload their stuff there, while Mark stayed down at the bodega to finish up a few things with the brothers. Oh, and by the way, we had our meeting last night, which Mark HAD to be there, he had the keys to the KH, and 2 parts since Doug had to spend the evening with the construction crew. So, it's about time for Mark to leave to get ready for the meeting and the construction crew is like, "Um, where are you going? We need to have a guard here at all times!" So, since Mark had to leave...enter Chad! So, Chad and another brother stayed the evening at the bodega while we were all at the meeting (and since the bodega is just some wooden planks nailed together, it isn't very warm!) But they played guitar and sang the night away!
So, we get to the meeting, and Mark realizes that they haven't given him the keys for the sound box! (we are meeting in another kingdom hall since ours is completely torn up) So, he starts the meeting leading us in song (he had to hum the first part for us) and then conducts the bible study without microphones! Finally 1/2 way through the meeting the sound kicks on....
Today started out a little shaky...we discovered that Chad's wallet must have fallen out of his pocket last night and is no where to be found...our Ecuadorian identity cards, bank cards, his drivers license...you just know there is some Ecuadorian out there trying really hard to look tall and white so he can pass as Chad!!! Oh well, what can you do right?
Then, this morning, I met with the brother in charge of the cooking for the remodel, and guess what is the good news? Beth and I are in charge!!?!?!?! What were they thinking?! Our main job is to be trained in sanitary techniques and to make sure that the sisters are following them. But, in the end, we are the bosses! So far, not going to panic TOO much!! But, then he pulls out the menu for next week! I think I knew what about 1/4 of the items on the menu are! So, here I have been at home, doing my homework, looking online for an idea of what the different foods are and an idea of how to prepare them!! Can you hear the circus music playing now? I can...
So, basically, starting next Wednesday, Beth and I will be in the kitchen from 6am until about 6pm 7 days a week for the next 6-8 weeks! I had a brainstorm though, my dear old friend Nataly (you know, the cuy slayer). We are having them over tonight after the meeting so that she can explain the foods to me and basically how they make them....
So, Chad just ran in the door, changed out of his muddy clothes in to dress clothes because he has a meeting for the attendants for the special assembly day! That is pretty much how the whole last week has been. OK, a quick run-down of the upcoming month...REMODEL...CO visit during the remodel (which by the way, they are staying with us)....Special Assembly day also during the remodel! So, the brothers are running around like chickens with their heads cut off!!! Lots of excitement! Mark said this morning that he is already tired and the remodel hasn't started yet!
I am sure we will have tons of stories and mishaps to share over the next few weeks....but on the positive side, we should learn lots of recipes for Ecuadorian food!
I attached a few pictures of the KH before the tear out, the brothers building the bodega, how the brothers moved the rows of chairs to the other storage unit and the kitchen where we will be cooking the meals (a very generous family in another cong. are allowing us to basically LIVE in their kitchen and livingroom for the next 6 weeks).
Where is the safety officer on this one? Yes, he is actually holding up the ladder!

Yes, this is how we moved the rows of seats to storage....
you should have seen them driving down the middle of the road!


We still have a lot to tear out, we are really excited about getting tile instead of carpet, since no one in Ecuador seems to know that vacuums exist! So, after the meeting they sweep the carpet with brooms (you feel like you are in the clouds with all the dust!) or, even better, they have recently started to WET the carpet before sweeping it to cut down on the dust! (can you imagine the mold growing under it? It recently started to smell like wet dog....