Still Smilin'!!!!
Well, we now have another week under our belt and we are learning a lot from these sisters! They make EVERYTHING from scratch! Doug was encouraging more to have a share in the work this past week in his talk and he said, "The Kitchen is FUN! The sisters all talk and laugh..." and it really is true...we sure do laugh (with Beth and I it is mostly at ourselves!) hahahahaha
Just wanted to post some more pictures of the activities! Next week will be the real test, because Carina (our boss that was sent by the branch) will be leaving us on Thursday! BOO HOO!
Who needs to strap things down when the brothers can just hold onto it? hahahaha
Because the storage area is pretty far away from the KH, the members of the construction group have been using bikes to get back in forth. This brother is carrying his ladder on his bike!
The brothers and sisters all fell in love with Beth as she shows them her "pizza making skills"! They were so excited to have pizza that night...and we bought them chips and Coke and everything! They loved it!
Mark and Chad help us with the dishes after dinner sometimes
just so we can go home!
Here is mark showing off his stylish hair net!!
Saturday morning we made these "Bolones De Verde"! They were delicious! You cut up a plantain into these slices, fry them, mash them up, mix them with fried sausage. Then with your hands (and believe me it is tough), you compact them into these little balls of food (which you can see in the top of the picture), hence the name, bolones!
Saturday lunch was quite the experience! They made "guatita"! Which as you can see in the picture is cow stomach! (Otherwise known as "Tripe") In the morning I wasn't quite sure about it, because they pulled out this huge white raw stomach and were cleaning it (it stank). Even while they were cooking it it was very smelly! But, when it was all said and done, they cut it up into very little pieces, made a very flavorful sauce for it (with peanut butter in it--VERY YUMMY) and everyone LOVED it! The construction brothers especially were soooo excited, some of them had 4 or 5 helpings! I have to say that it was good! I would definitely eat it again!
Here are Mark and Chad with their new "buddies" eating the cow stomach! We have all enjoyed the many new friendships that we have made. The brothers from the construction group are absolutely HILARIOUS! (Especially the one in red between Chad and Mark). And the amount of energy that they all have! They work like DOGS all week long, and then Sunday and Monday they go out in service with the congregation. We are also using them pretty hard for meeting parts! Three of them had parts on the school and service meeting this past week.
What a pleasure to have them with us!
It's so encouraging to hear of your joy. Thanks for sharing it with us.
How exiting! Sounds like you are getting in the groove. Since you have become an expert cleaning cow stomach, I can't wait to teach you what to do with pig stomach. I bet you can't wait. haha
The Bolones sound very good. I've had plantains many different ways but not like that. What a joy and privilege it is for you all to be experiencing this culture and truly seeing our international brotherhood in action. We wish we could be there with you but since we can't, thanks for sharing your wonderful experiences!
Hi, you don't know us yet, but we will be meeting you in a few weeks, we hope :) We just have to book our flight, and arrange an apartment.
We have really enjoyed reading your blog, gives us a little taste of what it's like before we get there.
Looking forward to meeting you,
Dena, Bryan and Drew Haines
Hi there! Thanks for the updates. I've been gone for a week and won't have my computer for another week. But I miss you lots. love you all
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