The FORMER "lords of Catan" bow their heads in submission!
So, many of you will have no idea what we are talking about, but to those who are "Settlers of Catan" fanatics...you must now subject yourselves to the ruling "Ladies of Catan"!
Believe it or not, Chad has found a fellow "settler" here in Cuenca. AJ and Jordanne are serving here from Ohio, and he even has his OWN game! So, they graciously invited us over for a night of "Snacks and Settlers"! Rachel Willis won the first game and then the Willis family had to leave to meet some guests at their house, leaving only AJ and Chad to play, so they "guilt-tripped" me into playing with them... I know, I know, I supposedly DISLIKE the game....But, the final game of the night my self-sacrificing spirit paid off, when I was declared "Lady of Catan"! I think I am actually starting to like the game! Dad, I know your mouth is hanging open right now! hahaha
Thanks again A.J., Jordanne and Damaris for your hospitality, we had a blast!... .....and to all of my gracious subjects, I bid you all a good night!
The whole group!

Hello all! This morning was my first official day in the ministry here, and I just HAD to choose to start with a "mountain day"! haha And it certainly did not disappoint. I like to call these type of mornings my "Sound of Music" mornings, because all I keep hearing in my head is..."climb every mountain, ford every stream..."!!! It is amazing how out of shape you get in just 7 weeks, I was certainly tired by 12:00pm! But, it was wonderful! I placed 3 sets of magazines, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery and sun! It has been quite warm here, (for those of you who know me well, it has almost been a little too warm!) But the warmth and lack of rain means no mud, so there is a positive side to things! I am certainly enjoying the lack of rain, which we seemed to have plenty of in the USA!
We have been enjoying seeing the brothers and sisters again, we really did miss them all!
We had left Chad's laptop here in Ecuador, and when we got back on Wednesday, it was not working. (yes his new computer that he just bought a few months ago!) After hours on the phone they determined that it needs a new hard drive. He is NOT happy about it! Supposedly a technician is supposed to be coming to the house today to replace it, but we are not holding our breath. The only negative is that Chad basically has to stay here the whole day waiting for him...so he is currently cooking up a storm in the kitchen and I am heading back out in service!
Hope things are going well up North! Love you guys!
Ok, so it really wasn't around the WORLD, but we sure feel like it! We spent a whirlwind 7 weeks in the USA visiting with family and friends and working a little bit! We sure enjoyed seeing everyone and had lots of fun, but we are ready to be back to our regular routine again! We arrived at our apartment in Cuenca today at 2pm and were greeted by a "Welcome Home" party. The Ochoa family and Mark and Beth had been cooking all morning, and even had a sign with balloons! We truly do have family everywhere we go!
The flight was long, but we didn't have any problems. Tomorrow we will be unpacking and running errands and then Friday we get back into the service schedule! YEAHHHH! We really haven't done very well service time wise, so we have a lot of catching up to do!
Thank you sooooo much to everyone back home in PA (and NY) that made our visit so enjoyable! The cards, the hugs, the encouraging words, the meals, the hospitality, the shopping trips (that's for you Missy and Dolores), and the extreme generosity of everyone...we can't thank you all enough for treating us like such royalty! It made it even harder to leave...I shed more than a few tears!
I have been horrible at blogging lately, (I know), but I will try to be better and keep you all updated as to what is going on here in good 'ole Cuenca!
We send you all our love and hugs, and again, thank you all for your kindnesses and for being such wonderful friends and family!
OK, I better go before this gets any sappier(?) (is that really a word?) hahahaha